# Format of the E protocol files for FV-Indexing experiments. Columns numbers start at 0. All numbers refer to the final proof state after termination. 00 Problem name 01 Status ([T]heorem, [N]on-theorem, [F]ailure) 02 CPU Time 03 Reason for termination 04 Prover version number 05 Number of processed clauses 06 Unification attempts 07 Unification successes 08 Number of generated clauses 09 Number of paramodulations 10 Size of the processed clause set 11 Size of the unprocessed clause set 12 Clause-clause subsumption calls 13 Clause-clause subsumption calls going into recursive matching 14 Unit Clause-clause subsumption calls 15 Forward-subsumed clauses 16 Backward-subsumed clauses 17 PC(MguTimer) 18 PC(SatTimer) 19 PC(ParamodTimer) 20 PC(PMIndexTimer) 21 PC(BWRWTimer) 22 PC(BWRWIndexTimer) 23 PC(FreqVecTimer) 24 PC(FVIndexTimer) 25 PC(SubsumeTimer) 26 PC(SetSubsumeTimer)